Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Coffee Opportunity

Organo Gold

Have you heard of it?

Is this a company selling gold? Ummmm…. No. (that’s my coffee company!)
Well, you are here on my site reading this article because you are interested in Organo Gold for some reason. Looking to join? Looking for help?

You have come to the right place.Organo Gold has been in this crazy world of network marketing since the company started in 2008.

Why Organo Gold?

There are a few main reasons to consider Organo Gold…
Organo Gold
1)      With Organo Gold, it is possible to create a full-time income just based on retail commissions (on the sale of the products). With most network marketing businesses, distributors are encouraged to build a team or sponsor new reps with the retail side of things as a secondary function.

2)      The products, from coffee to hot cocoa to Grape Seed Oil Extract to toothpaste, these products have created a massive customer base (from both distributors and customers) who keep reordering and reordering.

Due to the focus on selling products versus recruiting has created a whole different mindset within the NWM world!
Check out  My Website At:  

Ganoderma – Huh?

Try saying that three times very fast… :)

The health and wellness products from Organo Gold incorporate the Ganoderma Lucidum herb. This “supernatural mushroom” (see below) has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. This mushroom has been considered to be more precious than gold. A mushroom!!!!

Organo Gold
The Organo Gold products help boost the immune system, promotes weight loss, and helps aid the fight in cancer and HIV.
Supernatural Coffee anyone? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Coffee is the second most popular drink in the world (water is number one) and Organo Gold has taken coffee + Ganoderma to create a coffee like no other.

Organo Gold Compensation

There are three ways to get started with Organo Gold:
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
(and each of these options have correlating performance bonuses)
The business model is simple… people become representatives and build with sharing samples of the product.  You will also receive marketing materials and other training options to get you started.
Now… Organo Gold has created some amazing results in 5 years or less in an industry full of business opportunities… and with coffee!

So my question is… Coffee is the number two most traded commodity in the stock market after oil. With such a great product that is in demand, how do you make you money? How will you learn to utilize the Internet after you have chased off your friends and family? Oh, Andie, will that really happen, you ask?
How will you build your new Organo Gold business? Have you even thought about it?

To build your Organo Gold business, you are simply going to need: Access to the most comprehensive training online

Get your Organo Gold training right here today!

You can  drop me an Email at: | Telephone +254 722 232 569 or Inquiries Contact: Hosea Mbugua Muriithi   Organo Gold Distributor I.D:   10001146571 |

It’s Easy, It’s Simple, It’s Coffee; it’s Organo Gold 

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